

Verified on openSUSE Leap 15, 42 series and Tumbleweed.

Package Installation

This section explains how to install NextEPC using the package manager zypper.

  • Install NextEPC

    Install NextEPC daemons which consist of nextepc-mmed, nextepc-sgwd, nextepc-pgwd, nextepc-hssd, and nextepc-pcrfd:
sudo zypper addrepo -f obs://home:mnhauke:nextepc home:mnhauke:nextepc
sudo zypper install nextepc
sudo zypper install mongodb-server mongodb-shell
  • Install Node.js

    Node.js is required to install NextEPC WebUI. For example, to install Node.js 8.x on openSUSE Tumbleweed, run the following command as root:
sudo zypper install nodejs8
  • Install the dependencies of WebUI

    Install Web User Interface (WebUI) which supports the user subscription management:
git clone
cd nextepc/webui
npm install
npm run dev

Next step: Configuration